[Translate to English:] Emissioni attività produttive

Emissions from production activities

Water & Life Lab carries out analyses for the control of atmosphere emissions based on the requirements specified in the specific company authorisation, pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/06 (See Table). We have wide experience in the control of small, medium and large systems. Our qualified staff perform sampling operations (accredited) autonomously and safely. For each of our customers, our laboratory notifies the deadlines set by their authorisation and supports them in their relationship with public bodies.




Air quality monitoring

Water and Life Lab carries out analyses for air quality control in urban environments and at production sites.

Our laboratory performs checks on combustion processes, vehicle traffic and production activities involving the formation of airborne pollutants that must be monitored with reference to the requirements set forth in Legislative Decree 155/2010 and Legislative Decree 250/2012 (See Table).




Our laboratory performs checks and provide olfactometry assessments with on-site sampling.



Sampling and analysis for water quality control and verification of compliance with the requirements, in particular:

  • Drinking water: microbiological and chemical analysis for compliance with the requirements (See Table) of suitability for human consumption (according to Legislative Decree 31/2001)
  • Groundwater: check on water derived from wells and piezometers to verify the levels (please refer to TABELLA 2) of groundwater pollution
  • Wastewater: verification of compliance with the legal limits for ground water discharge and urban and industrial wastewater discharge into surface water courses or sewers.

Water & Life Lab verifies compliance with the legal limits set out by Legislative Decree 152/06:



Our laboratory carries out sampling and analysis for checking the quality and contamination of soils, sub-soils and excavation soils

This delicate issue is regulated by Legislative Decree 152/06 which, as part of remediation requirements, sets out the contamination threshold (CSC) (See Table - please refer to TABELLA 1).



Waste sampling and analysis for the purpose of classification to ensure proper management of disposal and/or recovery methods in compliance with European Regulation 1357/2015.



Water & Life Lab is a Laboratory recognized by the Ministry of Health as a quality laboratory for asbestos analysis. Our services include, in particular:

  • Presence/Absence on all matrices (roofing, panels, insulation systems, soil, waste, water)
  • Quantification of airborne asbestos and artificial glass fibres with phase contrast Optical Microscopy  
  • Quantification of soil, waste, sludge and sediment asbestos
  • Classification of artificial glass fibres based on the percentage content of alkaline and alkaline-earth oxides and of the geometric average diameter of SEM-EDS-measured fibres.



Our laboratory is among the first in Italy for the analysis of key parameters for the control of biomass used in plants that produce biogas

  • Control of the fermentation cycle: the parameters identified by our laboratory provide information on the progress of the fermentation cycle. Our strength is the promptness with which the analyses are carried out and the results are notified to our customers, so as to allow them to quickly evaluate the progress of their plant and make changes to improve its performance.
  • Biomass macronutrients and micronutrients are also analysed.
  • Control of the raw material: some analyses are carried out to identify fibres, protein content, dry matter and starch on the raw materials used for the fermentation cycle.
  • Soil conditioner analysis: our laboratory also carries out analyses to identify the composition of fertilizers.
  • Environmental checks: all the environmental checks can be performed for the determination of: olfactory impact, noise, emission threshold  set out by the Authorisation.





Our laboratory analyses industrial products and raw materials in order to ascertain their quality and compliance with marketing requirements.



With regard to sampling operations, Water & Life Lab relies on its technicians, adequately trained and qualified to implement the procedures required by the methods used. The laboratory is accredited for chemical and microbiological tests on water.



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