In 2009, when Water & Life Lab joined the CARSO network, CARSO Italia was founded.

Groupe CARSO

Created in 1992, Carso, a French group, is one of the main players on the European market of chemical (especially for micro-pollutants) and microbiological analysis in the environmental and food farming sector. With about twenty laboratories in Europe and over 2500 employees, it offers a wide range of cutting-edge analytical methods, and is a leader in the French environmental sector.

CARSO Italia

The laboratory network works in Italy with 2 offices:

  • Water & Life Lab srl, located in Entratico (BG)
  • INDAM srl, located in Castelmella (BS)

Water & Life Lab main offices is located in Entratico (BG) while another two secondary units are located in Casalmaggiore (Minalab) and in Salerno.

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