Water & Life Lab has working, for over 20 years, in the fruit & vegetable and cereal sector (analysing also processed products). Our laboratory has cutting-edge equipment and is supported by a highly qualified team, consisting of experienced and constantly updated professionals. Dedicated analytical lines, high computerisation of processes, careful management of resources and a smart planning of workloads allow us to meet ambitious targets of effectiveness and efficiency, so as to offer our customers the best service possible.

Water and Life Lab decided to invest, in particular, in two highly specialised sectors:

  • Organic food
  • Baby food


Our laboratory is, therefore, one of the main players on the national scene for these product categories, ensuring both analytical and normative experience.


Our distinctive elements, compared to the large laboratories we are competing with, are:

  • Sampling rate: samples can be taken, in emergency situations, even in a few hours.
  • Analytical rate: 48 to 72 hours for multi-residual and toxin analysis. 24 hours for gluten analysis.
  • Direct relationship with customers: each of our customers has a dedicated technical contact person, who will be available for any kind of support. Once the analysis has been carried out, he/she will contact the customer to report any anomalies.


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