Water & Life Lab is an accredited chemical and microbiological analysis and consulting laboratory specialising in the environmental, fruit and vegetable and cereal sectors. Our team consists of 40 employees and has developed strong, complementary and integrated skills in the vast field of workplace environmental and hygiene issues.

Currently we have three operational offices: the main one is located in Entratico (BG), another office located in Casalmaggiore (CR) was opened in 2011, and the last one, located in Salerno, was opened in 2012.

Water & Life Lab started its business activity in 1981, when the first initiatives were taken to raise awareness of environmental issues, and, in 1988, its first chemical analysis laboratory was opened, after developing specific skills, especially in the field of emission and water analysis.

In the nineties, the core business focused on issues related to environmental impact and the protection and safety of work environments of both private companies and public bodies. Quality, proximity and responsiveness became, then,. the distinguishing features of the services offered by Water & Life Lab.


Some of our most important achievements:

  • 1993 Its business development strategy brings the company to open a new operational unit in Entratico, with offices and a new chemical and microbiological laboratory
  • 1994 Water & Life Lab gets its ACCREDIA accreditation certificate
  • 2001 To support the strong agricultural development of its reference area,  Water & Life Lab creates its own analytical and consulting division for the fruit and vegetable sector, and becomes, within four years, the reference laboratory for companies dealing with ready-to-eat products. Once again quality, proximity and responsiveness are the factors that have determined this success.
  • 2002 The Microbiology laboratory also gets the Accredia certification.
  • 2009 Water & Life Lab joins the laboratory network of the Carso Group. Created in 1992, Carso, a French group, is one of the main players on the European chemical and microbiological analysis market in the environmental and food farming sector.
  • 2010 the laboratory obtains the QS approval for the control of fruit and vegetables and participates, as an accredited laboratory, in the creation of the District of Fruit and Vegetables of the Lombardy Region.
  • 2011 Water & Life Lab purchases the historic Minalab laboratory in Casalmaggiore, with a dual purpose: providing its services in the area of Casalmaggiore (CR, PR, MN, RE) and expanding the offer range of the Group with a qualified food self-monitoring service.
  • 2014 Water & Life Lab is included in the ministerial list for the analysis of biological farming samples
  • 2015 Water & Life Lab gets the BNN (Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren) certification

Water & Life Lab has defined, over the years, a policy based on two key points: territorial proximity and responsiveness. Water & Life Lab, with its specialised team, works “close to its customers and their issues”, to meet their everyday needs and also to help them taking the most strategic decisions regarding the environment and food safety, ensuring strong responsiveness and the relational approach of a partnership relationship. An expert and qualified "tutor" supports our customers and helps them build the skills required to satisfy their needs in a timely, targeted and specialised manner.


Water & Life Lab offers its customers a global service. That is why its analysis and measurement activities are supported by an environmental consulting service: an expert and qualified "tutor" supports our customers and helps them build the necessary skills even in the most complex cases. Our “turnkey” service aims at simplifying the procedure required to comply with  the complex regulations governing economic-productive activities. A team of motivated and specialised consultant technicians work together with our laboratory technicians who carry out sampling and analysis activities.


On September 13, 2024, the Board of Directors of Water & Life Lab s.r.l. adopted Organizational Model 231 and a new Code of Ethics. This step represents a concrete commitment to transparency and social responsibility.
The adoption of Model 231 has important positive repercussions for everyone:

  • For employees, it results in a safer and more transparent work environment, thanks to clear processes and protection from risks related to corporate responsibilities.
  • For clients, it means being able to count on a reliable and ethical partner who can guarantee regulatory compliance in every aspect of their business.

Thanks to the new Code of Ethics, every employee in our lab is guided by common values that strengthen the bond of trust with customers and stakeholders, making Water & Life Labs a benchmark for quality and integrity.

Download the Organizational Model 231

Download the Code of Ethics



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